Priory of Sion

Today, I saw a documentary called Bloodline which is a film by Bruce Burgess. This film was really amazing and an eye-opener. Although I have previously believed in the blood-line of Jesus Christ my evidence was really non-existent. And before this film I barely knew anything about the Priory of Sion (other than from the film The DaVinci Code) and I wasn't too sure of it's actual existence. However, I believe that Bruce stumbled upon something that is bigger than he could have ever imagined. The burial site of Mary Magdalene. What fascinated me was the Knight's Templar shroud upon her. This lead me to believe in the rumors of the grand treasure that the Knight's Templar had and the infamous Holy Grail. The Holy Grail being the holy mother (wife) of Jesus.

What I wish that Bruce would have known was that the actual Resurrection of Jesus was symbolic. Hermeticists and Alchemists alike have known this fact for many centuries. Jesus' resurrection was his second birth, his spiritual birth of perfection. Like a phoenix becoming anew after a long life. In a laboratory it is compared to turning Lead into Gold. The base into the perfect.

What I want to research more in this documentary is the actual mentioning of Solomon's Temple. Previously, I had only thought that this temple was Only symbolic. The building of the perfect temple within one's self. Building yourself to become a perfect holy sanctum. However, the clues in his documentary led me to believe that there was more to it than that and mentioned some interesting details that deserve more searching through.

This movie really made me want to join the Priory of Sion along with my pursuance of becoming a Freemason. It is hard for me to share my knowledge of esoteric subjects without getting tongue-tied. I actually find it fascinating that it is hard for me to put into words what I have learned. Almost an untranslatable gnosis. However, by starting this blog I am trying to attempt to break that barrier so that my ideas will not go down unrecorded.

A little change in subject brings me to the much disputed character of Hermes Trismegistus. Notice that this notable figure is composed of the Egyptian god Thoth (pronounced Toth rhymes with "both") and the Greek god Hermes (the messenger to the Gods). These gods have much in common but what is most interesting the the last word: Trismegistus. The exact meaning means Thrice-the-Greatest. Many claim that this is because he was the greatest Priest, Philosopher and King while the Emerald Tablet says that it is because he knows the three parts of the wisdom of the universe. However, if Hermes Trismegistus is supposed to be Thoth and Hermes....then where is the third being? It doesnt make sense that a thrice-greatest figure would only be composed of two individuals. This leads me believe that the third part of him is actually the divine spark--the spark inside which is hidden. Of course there are many possibilities.

Another infamous story that involves three persons that is worth mentioning comes from the bible. And it is actually the story of the Three Wise Men. Notice closely in this story that the wise-men bring gifts to Jesus by following the Light (the rising star....Lucifer) and paying attention to the celestial bodies that govern us. The wise-men brought baby Jesus: Frankincense, Myrrh and Gold. Notice the Alchemical references. Frankincense from a priest, Myrrh from a philosopher and Gold from a King. Hermes Trismegistus mentioned that the three part wisdom of the universe is Alchemy, Astrology and Theurgy. Alchemy for a priest, Astrology for a philosopher and Theurgy for a king. These three parts make up the whole. A triangle is the most stable geometric shape.

 Alchemy is all about making changes within yourself to make a better outside. This includes transmuting situations from bad to good. This includes attaining a higher moral value, which includes helping others, healing others, being unselfish, showing love and compassion everywhere you go, having an unalterable good character under all situations. If we are the shining light, if we set the example for the world....then the world will follow. If we pursue a new system of things, which includes the second-coming of Christ (which this movie explained that it was the revealing of the Truth of Christ and his burial/body...this would be equivalent to the second-coming) then we can accomplish so much more as a whole human race then we have ever before. The Age of Aquarius is upon us. In the Zodiac the Age of Aquarius shows the sign of the water-bearer. But as Alchemists have noted...that container isn't just containing an ordinary liquid...but the Elixir of Immortality, The Philosopher's Gold, Drinkable-Gold, The Drink of the Gods.

This Elixir has the properties upon ingestion that it will raise your spiritual bodies and consciousness to a higher awareness. This elixir also has the power to heal and to perfect any substance it comes into contact with. Creating a perfect person/thing. Isn't that the goal of life? To become perfect. And in this new age, we will accomplish it. So mote it be.

Angels are immortal men. Men are mortal angels.

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