I haven't posted in a couple days, so I am making a new post so that I can keep up with this blog. Today's topic is the Internet and the new generation of youth. Shocking new statistics based from the protests and fall of the Egyptian government shows that teenagers have been a major influence in the activities of their government.
Today's youth are more educated and more liberal than most, the age of the internet has shown that many possibilities are open and that the power of change lies with them. This new age of interconnectedness is having a massive affect on global consciousness. More and more people are becoming aware of many new things that are happening in the world. As I speak there are many protests in Algeria, Iran, Iraq and other middle eastern countries who have heard that the protests of Egypt and Tunisia are actually working. This inspires people to make change, time is a crucial factor. The closer in time they can act then the more momentum they have. Before the government can react about the changes elsewhere they end up with a massive protest in their own backyard. I believe this is the new age of global citizenship, this is a new generation of educated and powerful youth.
The internet allows connectivity between many people and keeps people inside the loop about world events. This is crucial because the more that people are aware of what is happening of what is going on around them, then the more that people can understand the world and themselves better. This is truly a revolutionary age. There is no more isolation, no patriotism, no secularism....just freedom. Freedom and unity. This is the outcome of the Internet, and this is the goal of humanity. The Internet has truly been a catalyst for this success. I believe that blocking the internet and censoring things on it, is the actual act of silencing minds and words. There shall be no silencing of ideas, because we are all one. And if one person has an idea then we all share that same idea. This is perhaps the most disgusting thing that humanity has created: silence. We all have the power to speak, all men are created equal. And it's about time the world see's what everyone truly has to say.
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